North Herts News
Luton Airport Expansion plans slammed by Liberal Democrats
Plans for the airport have been reviewed and amended in an attempt to manage and mitigate environmental issues. Sam Collins said “This is a smoke screen, as introducing a more comprehensive green strategy and aspiring to carbon net zero targets does not make this development any more attractive. Local residents do not want more planes flying over their homes and more traffic on our roads. It’s incomprehensible that Luton Council want to press ahead with this development when we should be taking action to save our planet, not help destroy it.”
Luton Rising, whose sole shareholder is Luton Borough council, will launch their third public consultation on the expansion from 8 February until the 4 April 2022, before the plans are submitted to the Department of Transport for approval. Liberal Democrats are calling on people in Hitchin, Harpenden and the surrounding villages to oppose the development. The plans include a second terminal with capacity to park 34 additional planes, including larger jets. Mr Collins said: “This is such an important issue for our area that we cannot allow Luton Rising to get these proposals through. These plans will be a disaster for local residents as it will result in so many more polluting aircraft flying over our homes, and the transport plans will simply pile traffic into nearby areas like Hitchin, Harpenden and Redbourn.”
The Hitchin and Harpenden Liberal Democrats have led objections to the expansion with a motion at Herts County Council, tabled by Cllr Steve Jarvis and Cllr John Hale, which was passed in 2019. The joint Lib Dem/Labour North Herts District Council has also formally opposed the plans.